Холодильний агрегат I-Cool-17D MHP AREA

Холодильний агрегат I-Cool-17D MHP
  • General specifications and price
Manufacturer: AREA
Model: I-Cool-17D MHP
Price: (with VAT)
367,868 грн.
To order
(067) 355 88 18

The Area iCOOL-17D MHP is one of the most powerful iCOOL units. Despite its size, it has a lower environmental impact. 
It is suitable for warehouse and demanding large-scale operations.

Area iCOOL-17D MHP is an environmentally friendly inverter condensing unit. It has thermodynamic properties and power.

The iCOOL series is distinguished by its low noise level and easy installation and maintenance.

  • Catalogs
  • Extended specifications
  • Additional information
  • Certificate